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J Blümlein, A. De Freitas, P. Marquard, C. Schneider Challenges for analytic calculations of the massive three-loop form factors arXiv:2408.07046
J. Ablinger, A. Behring, J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, A. von Manteuffel, C. Schneider, K. Schoenwald The three-loop single-mass heavy flavor corrections to deep-inelastic scattering arXiv:2407.02006
J. Blümlein, M. Saragnese Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order Evolution of Polarized Parton Densities in the Larin Scheme arXiv:2405.17252
J. Ablinger, A. Behring, J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, A. von Manteuffel, C. Schneider, K. Schönwald The non-first-order-factorizable contributions to the three-loop single-mass operator matrix elements A^(3)_Qg and ΔA^(3)_Qg arXiv:2403.00513


J. Ablinger, A. Behring, J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, A. von Manteuffel, C. Schneider, K. Schönwald The first-order factorizable contributions to the three-loop massive operator matrix elements A(3)Qg and ΔA(3)Qg arXiv:2311.00644
Johannes Bluemlein, Nikolai Fawwdeev, Carsten Schneider Computing Mellin representations and asymptotics of nested binomial sums in a symbolic way: the RICA package arXiv:2308.06042 
Johannes Blümlein, Abilio De Freitas, Peter Marquard, Narayan Rana, Carsten Schneider Analytic results on the massive three-loop form factors: quarkonic contributions arXiv:2307.02983
J. Ablinger, A. Behring, J.Blümlein, A. De Freitas et al. Recent 3-Loop Heavy Flavor Corrections to Deep-Inelastic Scattering arXiv:2306.16550
Andrei Afanasev, Jan C. Bernauer, Peter Blunden, Johannes Blümlein, Ethan W. Cline et al. Radiative Corrections: From Medium to High Energy Experiments arXiv:2306.14578
Johannes Blümlein Deep-Inelastic Scattering:  What do we know? arXiv:2306.01362
A. Behring, J. Blümlein, K. Schönwald The inverse Mellin transform via analytic continuation arXiv:2303.05943 


I. Bierenbaum, J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, A. Goedicke, S. Klein, K. Schönwald O(α2s) Polarized Heavy Flavor Corrections to Deep-Inelastic Scattering at Q2≫m2 arXiv:2211.15337
J. Blümlein, P. Marquard, C. Schneider, K. Schönwald The massless three-loop Wilson coefficients for the deep-inelastic structure functions F2,FL,xF3 and g1 arXiv:2208.14325
J. Blümlein, A. Maier, P. Marquard, G. Schäfer Gravity in binary systems at the fifth and sixth post-Newtonian order arXiv:2208.04552
J. Blümlein, P. Marquard, C. Schneider, K. Schönwald The 3-loop anomalous dimensions from off-shell operator matrix elements arXiv:2207.07943
J. Blümlein, C. Schneider The SAGEX Review on Scattering Amplitudes, Chapter 4: Multi-loop Feynman Integrals arXiv:2203.13015
J. Blümlein, K. Schönwald High Precision QED Initial State Corrections for e+e−→γ∗/Z∗ Annihilation arXiv:2202.08476
J. Blümlein, P. Marquard, C. Schneider, K. Schönwald The Two-Loop Massless Off-Shell QCD Operator Matrix Elements to Finite Terms arXiv:2202.03216


J. Blümlein, M. Saragnese, C. Schneider Hypergeometric Structures in Feynman Integrals arXiv:2111.15501
J. Blümlein, P. Marquard, C. Schneider, K. Schönwald The three-loop polarized singlet anomalous dimensions from off-shell operator matrix elements arXiv:2111.12401
J. Blümlein, A. Maier, P. Marquard, G. Schäfer The fifth-order post-Newtonian Hamiltonian dynamics of two-body systems from an effective field theory approach arXiv:2110.13822
J. Ablinger, J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, M. Saragnese, C. Schneider, K. Schönwald New 2- and 3-loop heavy flavor corrections to unpolarized and polarized deep-inelastic scattering arXiv:2107.09350
J. Blümlein, P. Marquard, C. Schneider, K. Schönwald The three-loop unpolarized and polarized non-singlet anomalous dimensions from off shell operator matrix elements arXiv:2107.06267
J. Blümlein, M. Saragnese The N3LO Scheme-invariant QCD Evolution of the Non-singlet Structure Functions FNS2(x,Q2) and gNS1(x,Q2) arXiv:2107.01293
J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, M. Saragnese, C. Schneider, K. Schönwald The Logarithmic Contributions to the Polarized and Operator Matrix Elements in Deeply Inelastic Scattering arXiv:2105.09572
J. Blümlein Analytic integration methods in quantum field theory: an Introduction arXiv:2103.10652
J. Ablinger, J. Blümlein, C. Schneider Iterated integrals over letters induced by quadratic forms arXiv:2103.08330
J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, K. Schönwald The QED Initial State Corrections to the Forward-Backward Asymmetry of e+e−→γ∗/Z0∗ to Higher Orders arXiv:2102.12237
J. Blümlein, A. Maier, P. Marquard, G. Schäfer The 6th Post-Newtonian Potential Terms at O(G4N) arXiv:2101.08630
A. Behring, J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, A. von Manteuffel, K. Schönwald, C. Schneider The Polarized Transition Matrix Element Agq(N) of the Variable Flavor Number Scheme at O(α3s) arXiv:2101.05733


J. Blümlein, A. Maier, P. Marquard, G. Schäfer The fifth-order post-Newtonian Hamiltonian dynamics of
two-body systems from an effective field theory approach:
potential contributions
S. Alekhin, J. Blümlein, S. Moch Heavy-flavor PDF evolution and variable-flavor number
scheme uncertainties in deep-inelastic scattering
J. Ablinger, J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, A. Goedicke, M. Saragnese, C. Schneider, K. Schönwald The Two-mass Contribution to the Three-Loop Polarized Operator Matrix Element A_{gg,Q}^{(3)} arXiv:2004.08916
J. Ablinger, J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, K. Schönwald Subleading Logarithmic QED Initial State Corrections to e^+e^- \rightarrow γ^*/{Z^{0}}^* to O(α^6 L^5) arXiv:2004.04287
J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, C. Raab, K. Schönwald The O(α^2) Initial State QED Corrections to e^+e^- \rightarrow γ^*/Z_0^* arXiv:2003.14289
J. Blümlein, A. Maier, P. Marquard, G. Schäfer Testing binary dynamics in gravity at the sixth post-Newtonian level arXiv:2003.07145
J. Blümlein, A. Maier, P. Marquard, G. Schäfer Fourth post-Newtonian Hamiltonian dynamics of two-body systems from an effective field theory approach arXiv:2003.01692


J. Blümlein, P. Marquard, C. Schneider A refined machinery to calculate large moments from coupled systems of linear differential equations arXiv:1912.04390
J. Blümlein, A. Maier, P. Marquard The Gravitational Potential of Two Point Masses at Five Loops arXiv:1912.03089
J. Ablinger, A. Behring, J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, A. von Manteuffel, C. Schneider, K. Schönwald The three-loop single mass polarized pure singlet operator matrix element arXiv:1912.02536
J. Ablinger, J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, M. Saragnese, C. Schneider, K. Schönwald The three-loop polarized pure singlet operator matrix element with two different masses arXiv:1911.11630
A. Behring, J. Blümlein, A. de Freitas, A. Goedicke, S. Klein, A. van Manteuffel, C. Schneider, K. Schönwald The Polarized Three-loop Anomalous Dimensions from a Massive Calculation arXiv:1911.06189
J. Blümlein, A. de Freitas, C. Raab, K. Schönwald Revisiting the O(alpha^2) Initial State QED Corrections to e^+ e^- Annihilation into a Neutral Boson arXiv:1911.05029
J. Blümlein, A. Maier, P. Marquard, G. Schäfer, C. Schneider From Momentum Expansions to Post-Minkowskian Hamiltonians by Computer Algebra Algorithms arXiv:1911.04411
S. Alekhin, J. Blümlein, S.-O. Moch Resummation of large logarithms in the VFN scheme for DIS heavy-quark production arXiv:1910.11165
J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, C.G. Raab, K. Schönwald The effects of O(alpha^2) initial state QED corrections to e^+ e^- --> gamma*/Z* at very high luminosity colliders arXiv:1910.05759
S. Alekhin, J. Blümlein, S.-O. Moch An Update of the ABM16 PDF Fit arXiv:1909.03533
A. Behring, J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, A. Goedicke, S. Klein, A. von Manteuffel, C. Schneider, K. Schönwald The Polarized Three-Loop Anomalous Dimensions from On-shell Massive Operator Matrix Elements arXiv:1908.03779
J. Blümlein, P. Marquard, N. Rana, C. Schneider The Heavy Fermion Contributions to the Massive Three Loop Form Factors arXiv:1908.00357
J. Ablinger, J. Blümlein, P. Marquard, N. Rana, C. Schneider Three loop heavy quark form factors and their asymptotic behavior arXiv:1906.05829
J. Ablinger, J. Blümlein, P. Marquard, N. Rana, C. Schneider Three loop QCD corrections to heavy quark form factors arXiv:1905.03728
J. Blümlein Large scale analytic calculations in quantum field theories arXiv:1905.02148
J. Blümlein, C. Raab, K. Schönwald The Polarized Two-Loop Massive Pure Singlet Wilson Coefficient for Deep-Inelastic Scattering arXiv:1904.08911
J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, C.G. Raab, K. Schönwald The unpolarized two-loop massive pure singlet Wilson coefficients for deep-inelastic scattering arXiv:1903.06155
J. Blümlein, A. Maier, P. Marquard Five-Loop Static Contribution to the Gravitational Interaction Potential of Two Point Masses arXiv:1902.11180
J. Blümlein, A. De Freitas, C.G. Raab, K. Schönwald The O(alpha^2) Initial State QED Corrections to e^+ e^- Annihilation to a Neutral Vector Boson Revisited arXiv:1901.08018