Revisiting the φ^6 Theory in Three Dimensions at Large N
- Stamou
- Hiller

We investigate the O(N)--symmetric ϕ^6 theory in three spacetime dimensions using dimensional regularization and minimal subtraction. The predictions of other methods are scrutinized in a large-NN expansion. We show how the tricritical line of fixed point emerges in a strict N→∞ limit but argue that it is not a physical manifestation. For the first time in this explicit manner, we compute the effective potential at next-to-leading order in the 1/N-expansion and discuss its stability. The Bardeen-Moshe-Bander phenomenon is also analyzed at next-to-leading order, and we demonstrate that it disappears without breaking the scale invariance spontaneously. Our findings indicate that the UV fixed point found by Pisarski persists at large N.
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