Are you interested in writing a thesis in the field of theoretical particle physics? We offer topics for bachelor, master and PhD theses on current research questions at any time. Since topics are often found dynamically together with the students, it is recommended to contact us personally. An overview of the theses completed in our group so far can be found below.
If you would like to discuss the possibility of a thesis, please contact us. We are looking forward to a personal conversation with you.

Dominik Döring | Standard Model Extensions with Neutral Leptons: Addressing Dark Matter, Neutrino Oscillations and the Flavor Anomalies | Fall 2021 |
Sinan Zeissner | Baryogenesis Originating from Lepton Number Violation Induced by Right-Handed Majorana Neutrinos | 2021 |
Mathias Becker | Dark Matter Models and the Neutrino and Flavor Portals | 2020 |
Philipp Sicking | Searches for New Physics with Neutrino Oscillations in the High Precision Era | 2019 |
Erik Schumacher | A Model-Building Approach to the Origin of Flavor | 2016 |
Daniel Pidt | Neutrino masses and flavor symmetries | 2014 |
Dario Schalla | Fourth generation neutrinos and neutrino induced hadron production in the resonance region | 2013 |
Sebastian Hollenberg | Ensembles, altered dispersion relations and CPT violation in neutrino oscillations and charged lepton decays | 2012 |
Philipp Leser | Enlarged Higgs sectors as a window into flavor symmetric theories beyond the standard model of particle physics | 2012 |
Master theses
Patrick Adolf | Radiative neutrino masses and the Cohen-Kaplan-Nelson bound | 2023 |
Sara Krieg | Influence of an entanglement gravitationally induced phase on neutrino oscillation and baryon asymmetry. | 2022 |
Jan Leo Löwe | Majorana Particle Induced Washout of the Baryon Asymmetry of the Universe and Dark Matter | 2022 |
Dominik Hellmann | Cosmological implications of sterile neutrinos taking shortcuts through extra dimensions in the primordial plasma | 2021 |
Jan Appelt | Gravitational wave generation through hydrodynamic turbulences from a cosmological first order phase transition of a broken U(1)B-L symmetry | 2019 |
Tim Christopher Brune | Generalized Constraints on a Massive Majoron Coupling to Neutrinos and Majoron Dark Matter | 2018 |
Jonathan Kriewald | Constraints from Lepton Flavour Violation on sterile Neutrino Dark Matter | 2018 |
Felix Meier | Hawking Radiation in asymmetrically warped extra dimensions | 2017 |
Max Kaemper | Neutrino oscillations from periodic dispersion relations | 2017 |
Mathias Becker | Extra Dimensional Seesaw Mechanism and Its Effect on Neutrino Oscillations | 2016 |
Tobias Büscher | Entanglement and Decoherence in Neutrino Oscillations | 2016 |
Dominik Döring | Kaluza-Klein spectrum and altered dispersion relations of fermions in asymmetrically warped five dimensional spacetimes | 2016 |
Markus Crank | Oscillation Analysis of Atmospheric Neutrinos at Super-Kamiokande | 2016 |
Sinan Zeissner | Majorana-assisted GUT baryogenesis. | 2016 |
Elke Aeikens | Sterile neutrino oscillation with altered dispersion relations in cosmology and astrophysics | 2014 |
Philipp Sicking | Knots and Links in High Energy Physics | 2014 |
Erik Schumacher | Neutrino mass models with large mixing originating from the right-handed sector | 2013 |
Maximilian Schlupp | Discovery potential of the LHC at s = 7 TeV for like-sign di-electrons as a test for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay in RPV mSUGRA | 2011 |
Markus Supsar | Phenomenological consequences of sterile neutrinos in extra dimensions | 2011 |
Christophe Cauet | Inverse Seesaw Mechanism in Low-Scale Trinification Models | 2009 |
Sebastian Hollenberg | Non-standard dispersion relations in neutrino oscillation phenomena | 2009 |
Philipp Leser | Phenomenological Consequences of an S3 Flavor Symmetric Extension of the Standard Model | 2009 |
Daniel Pidt | Neutrino Masses and Lepton Flavor Violating Decays in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model without R-Parity | 2009 |
Bachelor theses
Leonard Berndt | UV / IR Mixing and the Dark Energy in the Universe | 2023 |
Matthias Raschke | Neutrino oscillations in the gravitational field | 2023 |
Hau Zhang | Limits on majoron neutrino coupling from neutrinoless double beta decay in different bases | 2023 |
Jonas Ollesch | Limits on majoron-neutrino couplings from Supernova explosions in different bases | 2023 |
Sara Krieg | Decoherence at black holes | 2020 |
Jan Ellbracht | Quantum mechanics, multiverse scenarios, and the dimensional problem in the perpetual inflation model | 2019 |
Piet Hoffmann | Entanglement in systems with many particles | 2019 |
Lara Nollen | MiniBooNE and neutrinos with altered dispersion relations | 2019 |
Lucas Witthaus | Phase space density evolution in the early universe | 2019 |
Carlo Tasillo | Freeze-in production of sterile neutrino dark matter | 2018 |
Tim Christopher Brune | Leptoquark-Higgs Interactions Generating Majorana Neutrino Masses at 1-Loop Order and Flavour U(1) Symmetries | 2017 |
Ryan Kellermann | Washing out a baryon asymmetry by introducing right-handed neutrinos | 2017 |
Kyra Klos | CP and unitarity violation in neutrino oscillation in matter and dark matter | 2017 |
Nina Portnoy | Gauge symmetries | 2017 |
Carl Schultze | The observer in a theory of quantum cosmology | 2017 |
Jan Appelt | Considerations of neutrino oscillations in supernova-like environments. | 2016 |
Rigo Bause | Transformations of the Lotka-Volterra equations | 2016 |
Marcel Golz | Decoherence and the system of quantum mechanical Brownian motion | 2016 |
Jonathan Kriewald | Applications of the MSW effect for resonant production of sterile neutrinos as dark matter | 2016 |
Constantin Meyer | Development of a simple brain simulation based on the Ising model to illustrate the emergence of consciousness | 2016 |
Piero Avola | Group theorem approach to flavor model building with horizontal symmetry S4 | 2015 |
Lukas Windgätter | Group theorem model building for the description of the PMNS matrix usingA4. | 2015 |
Felix Meier | Mathematical foundations for the general theory of relativity | 2015 |
Mathias Becker | Symmetrically and asymmetrically warped spacetimes with one extra dimension | 2014 |
Tobias Büscher | Neutrino oscillations in matter of variable electron density | 2014 |
Max Kaemper | Duality and the Lotka-Volterra equations | 2014 |
Maximilian Reininghaus | Neutrino oscillations in the wave packet formalism | 2014 |
Hannah Rullkötter | Neutrino oscillations and the analogy of the MSW and the Landau-Zener effect | 2014 |
Sinan Zeissner | Future Memory | 2014 |
Benjamin Knopp | Evolution and time direction | 2013 |
Daniel Schmidt | Cosmic inflation in the early universe and the effect of domain walls on the expansion velocity | 2012 |
Matthias Schmidt | The influence of cosmic strings on the expansion behavior of the universe | 2012 |
Huseyin Vural | Geodesics in asymmetrically warped extradimensional spacetimes | 2012 |
Artem Averin | Investigation of wormholes for violation of energy conditions and possibilities for construction of time machines using methods of general relativity | 2010 |
Malte Dyckmanns | Causality in the Kerr metric | 2010 |
Charlotte Mielke | Closed timelike curves in string spacetimes | 2010 |
Peter Schuh | The Alcubierre-Warpdrive metric | 2010 |